Pricing Details
Trophy Hunting
Trophy hunting for Fallow bucks in Australia takes place during March and April.
The basic pricing scheme is based on a fully inclusive two day
hunt. The price is determined by the quality of the trophy taken, with a direct
relationship to the actual score of the head .
This pricing scheme reflects the guide's intention for the best
trophy's to be sought after. It is based on the philosophy that you
pay for what you get. All trophy scoring is done by an Australian
Deer Association accredited scorer and the trophy’s score is
then reflected by the price.
Success rates for trophy hunting have
proven to be very high, though not guaranteed, as found with all
hunting. Should the unlikely event of a hunter failing to take a trophy occur, a
conservative fee to cover the meals, accommodation and time with your hosts will
be charged.
Cull Hunting
Many animals are taken each year for culling, and herd management purposes. Doe hunting takes place from May through to October.
As you can see this is not a full commercial venture as such, but part of a wider conservation scheme and herd management program.
We are now taking a register of interest for hunting in 2010. Please contact us for the latest pricing.
Email us at
Or call Jeff on +618 87343039 (International), (08) 87343039 (Within Australia).